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Volume 4: Issue 4.

Highlighting the people and places that represent what's most important to our values and ideals, Volume 4: Issue 4 closes out this collection with a series of interviews on subjects who not only create music or video parts that speak to our hearts and minds, but also inspire us to affect positive change in the world around us. 


Volume 4: Issue 4 opens the issue with Park Affair by Bekah Ashley. Bekah covers the growing female-only Snowboard Park Program that encourages women of all ages to step out of their comfort zones, and into the park. Lifelong skater Kevin Susienka exposes the talent Central Mass skater and style-master of Taylor Clark in Corporate Grind while André Rober Beriau discovers a roll of film from Wachusett Mountain circa 2005 that documents the importance of Youth in Bloom. Beriau also dives into the music world to interview The Meat Man aka Trevor Vaughan of Wound Man/XFilesX amongst other seminal Powerviolence Bands. Singer/Guitar player David Kelling of Culture Abuse weighs in on tour life and the changes his band has gone through since their start. Amongst the articles are show and album reviews to help fill readers in on what they missed, and what's worth listening to. 


Included with your purchase:

- High Quality Issue
- 80 lbs. Gloss Cover
- 80 lbs. Gloss Text
- Folded and Stapled Booklet Style Zine

- FREE Analog Companion Stickers
- Handwritten "Thank You" note
- Desire to Travel
- Pursuit of Adventure
- Lust for Exploration


***Excerpt from Corporate Grind by Kevin Susienka***


Control is a state of mind. It is the ability to compile inspiration, adversity and talent simultaneously and make shit happen. The shit that happens is really only one percent of skateboarding on the whole. And Clark, 24, has worked inspirationally hard to make it happen. Some skateboarders are complete messes. Their highlights come when they are asleep at the wheel. Taylor Clark’s accomplishments come from skating on his own terms, which seems to translate to hard, goddamned enjoyable work and a laser-like focus. “It’s just doing whatever it is you feel you want to do that day”, says Clark. “There's no schedule to skating and that appeals to me. My whole week is based off of schedule and routine, so skating is the perfect escape from that life. Some days you'll have a heavy day of filming and trying something for hours, and others, you'll chill at the park and work on a new trick. Skating is always changing.”

Volume 4: Issue 4.

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